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Find Your Purpose

Are you ready to awaken to your true calling and start making a greater impact in the world through your work and your life?


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Does any of this resonate with you...


You feel stuck at a crossroads and your indecision is consuming all your energy and your headspace

You're deeply unfulfilled by your work and it's starting to affect your relationships

You feel trapped by your regular wage paying job and it's impacting your physical and mental wellbeing

Your fearful ego is talking you out of any changes and you feel terrified to make a mistake

You've lost touch with your identity and feel sad that you've disconnected from the 'old me'



The relief at being able to finally make a confident decision about what path to take at your crossroads


The excitement of having clarity on the work that you’re here to do and a lifestyle with more freedom and fulfilment


The courage you would have if you trusted and let the Universe support you by tapping into the flow of abundance


The confidence you would gain from letting your Higher Self take charge and feeling more guided by the Universe


The joy you would feel if you rediscovered your true self and began doing work in alignment with who you truly are



Find Your Purpose

Find Your Purpose is a 4 month One-to-One Coaching Programme designed to bring you clarity on your true calling and move you through your crossroads. To uncover your deepest motivation so you can bring more purpose to your working life. It’s for heart-centred people wanting to find lasting fulfilment and make a difference in the world through their work.  

Find Your Purpose goes deeper than just exploring your skills and coming up with a list of jobs.  As a career coaching programme for people on a spiritual path, it also enables you to…

✔  Uncover who you truly are underneath the layers of other identities and roles you play

✔  Move from fear to faith and build belief in what’s possible so you can stop holding yourself back

✔  Connect with your intuition so that you can make a more confident decision about what’s next

✔  Recognise the ego at work and find ways to manage it so you stop making choices based on fear

✔  Release any blocks which have been keeping you stuck so you can create the space to move forward

✔  Ground yourself so that you can make a calmer, more guided choice and allow true clarity to emerge

✔  Access higher wisdom to guide you and open you up to true clarity and a deeper sense of purpose

We also draw on the 8 Spiritual Coaching Foundations including manifestation, vibration and identity to bring you a truly unique and spiritual experience and an opportunity for a deeper awakening through your career change journey.


Find Your Purpose One-to-One Coaching Programme Content


Discover the multiple sources of purpose and a new way of manifesting fulfilment in your working life. 

Your Values

Reset your values so you can gain insights on your purpose and connect with a deeper motivation.

Your Gifts
& Talents

Take a full inventory on your own unique superpowers to build confidence and clarity for your career change.

​Your Passions
& Callings

Give your deep inner yearnings a voice so you can start doing the work you were sent here to do.

True Self

 Reconnect with your True Self so you can know your self-worth and start showing up more authentically. 

Your Resistance
& Blocks

Uncover and release any fears or limiting thought patterns so you can finally stop holding yourself back.

Your Career Pathways

Explore the career pathways which align you with your purpose and move you through your crossroads.

Your Career Alignment Plan

Create a plan of action which aligns you to your purpose, reduces overwhelm and brings focus and direction.


Thanks to Rebecca I’ve had my eureka moment of clarity! Through Rebecca’s coaching programme I was able to identify my key strengths, interests and passions which led me from a career in Pharmacy to Art Therapy. I remember feeling scared, nervous and apprehensive about what lay ahead but Rebecca helped me to dismantle the obstacles and barriers which were holding me back. I am now a fully qualified Art Therapist embarking on my new career working with clients and helping them to facilitate change through creativity.

Sue Bulmer

What’s included in the Find Your Purpose career coaching programme:

✔  8 x One-to-One Coaching Sessions with Rebecca focused on you and your growth

✔  4 months of email support to build momentum and share any lightbulb moments (or blocks) along your journey

✔  A Work Life Assessment to kick-start your journey with some fresh clarity and move you straight into action

✔  Powerful workbooks and tools to guide your sessions, give you fresh insights, and help structure your thoughts

✔  Support with a daily spiritual practice to bring you clarity, calm and connection on your journey

✔  A mid-session check-in to hold you to account with your actions so you can start creating change

✔  Session notes so we are clear on your actions and to keep us on track with your goals



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Hello, I'm Rebecca

Career Coach for people on a spiritual path

I work with people like you who are ready to find purpose and fulfilment in their working life. I’ve supported hundreds of people in beginning their career re-alignment journey and moving through their crossroads.


​And I’ve been there myself several times so I know how it feels to be stuck and unfulfilled. But I also know that it’s totally possible to find your purpose as have I!


I found Rebecca at a very low point in my life, when plans for my relationship, career and purpose were nothing to write home about and the job I have always loved seemed unfulfilling. With spirituality being a big part of my being I got instantly drawn to Rebecca and her gentle and warm approach has been nothing but a miracle. After working with Rebecca for almost 3 months I have never been more certain about what I desire to do and become. Having more clarity of my why, how and what I now firmly believe transformation is possible for everyone but more fun and attainable when you have someone who gets you and works on all levels with you.

Sheila Larsen

The Find Your Purpose career programme programme is for you if you are:

Turned off by a more corporate approach to career coaching

Tired of going around in circles overthinking things and ready to start taking action

Open to or curious about spirituality and how it can support you on your career journey

Looking for sustainable profound change rather than a quick fix

Understanding of the importance of investing in your own growth

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Ready to Find Your Purpose?

The next step is to come on a risk-free 30 minute Coaching Taster Session with me to see if we are a good fit to work together.


  • Can I really afford it?
    Let’s turn this question around…consider what it might be costing you to not invest in yourself (with me or whoever) in terms of higher income potential, happiness, health and wellbeing, relationships and things you can’t put a price on. Coaching is an investment and when you invest money into your growth, you are more likely to show up and do the work. Plus, each of my career coaching programmes has a monthly payment plan to help you spread out the cost.
  • I’ve never done coaching before and don’t know if it’s for me
    I offer a risk-free 30 minute Coaching Taster Session to enable you to test the waters, ask me any questions you might have about coaching and get a sense of whether this is a good fit for you. If it isn’t, then you are free to choose another route.
  • Is now the right time? Maybe I have too much other stuff going on.
    Whilst timing is important, it’s also good to separate out a genuine need to delay starting with a process like this from an underlying fear of moving forward. Sometimes it’s better to wait until you have more headspace but also it can be useful to have coaching in the thick of things as this can add useful context and give you an opportunity to test out what you’re learning. In this blog article, I give you some pointers on how you can decide whether now is the right time for you. Ultimately, I would always refer you to your intuition to guide you!
  • I am scared about moving forward and making a change
    Change can be scary, I get it! But be aware that there are two different types of fear. One is a fear of something happening that you don’t want but there is also another fear. A fear of expanding, growing and occupying a bigger and exciting new space in the world. If this type of fear is present, take it as a good sign and don’t let it hold you back from making the changes you know you want to. Worse case scenario is staying stuck.
  • I don’t believe what you’re telling me is possible for me
    This is a mental position and nothing more! Regardless of your circumstances or what has already happened in your life, positive change is possible for you. When you open yourself up to the possibility of change (even if you don’t know how) then magic happens. I see it all the time.
  • How personalised is the programme?
    I understand that not everyone will need the exact recipe of what I offer within each of my programmes. So, I am happy to adapt them to meet your specific needs (for example, if you’re in the middle of this programme and decide that staying in your current career is the best option but you need some support in building confidence or creating more balance in order to make it work). Alternatively, you can choose the Customised Coaching option from the start where you co-create the goals and the agenda.
  • What if I need further coaching after the programme ends?
    Everybody is on a different path and with a different timescale, so it’s possible that you may have further support needs. We can discuss your ongoing coaching needs at the end of the initial period and add on some sessions on either a regular or ad hoc basis.
  • How and where are sessions held?
    All coaching sessions are currently held via Zoom. I will be offering a limited number of face-to-face sessions in the Manchester and Sheffield/Chesterfield regions.
  • What happens during a typical session?
    Coaching is all about taking action and learning from those actions. Initially in a session, we will check in with your current state, how you are feeling, what’s happening for you and any progress you have made towards your coaching goals. We may go through a coaching exercise together where I guide you through a process or technique which I know can support you in moving forward. There is always the opportunity for you to bring to session any relevant issues or opportunities which we can work through together. I will always check in with you at the end of a session to see how it went and ensure you are getting what you need from me.
  • What might I be expected to do in between sessions?
    Each session will typically involve establishing 3 or 4 actions or next steps for you to take before the next session which will move you closer to your goal. This might include completing a coaching exercise/worksheet, beginning a new practice/habit or approaching an upcoming work challenge or opportunity in a new way. (It may also be about doing nothing and allowing yourself to just ‘be’.) There is also a certain amount of self-reflection which is encouraged in between sessions and journaling about any thoughts/feelings/beliefs or insights which arise which we can then use in a future session.
  • How much time commitment is there from me?
    Aside from the sessions themselves, I normally recommend a minimum of 2 hours in between sessions to work through any exercises or do some journaling. Many of the actions can be integrated into daily life (e.g. being more mindful or showing up to a work meeting in a different way) and so don’t require a time commitment as such.


Drop me a line as I may be able to offer you something which is a better fit for your current needs.

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